If your internet service is offline, please check that there is not a known outage as this will include a resolution time at https://www.broadbandsolutions.com.au

Please inform Broadband Solutions support on 1300 683 000 or via email at [email protected]

Support staff will request that initial diagnostic tests are performed. 

This includes:

  • The NTU and router have power
  • The lights on the NTU are showing a connection. The exact lights depend on the NTU model and connection type.
  • The LAN is running correctly and devices are able to ping the router. This includes DNS and DHCP configuration
  • That Fee For Service (FFS) is accepted. This fee is applicable when our engineers or those of associated carriers attend your site and discover the service was offline due to an on site issue (internal cabling or an incorrectly configured router for example but not limited to)
  • For an ADSL service, that the associated PSTN service is active and has dial tone. This dial tone should also be clear of audio issues such as crackling. In the event of a faulty PSTN service, the PSTN service must be rectified before the ADSL service.